The Hippie's Daughter

The ramblings of a twenty-something "independent young woman".

Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are many moments when having Asthma is a royal pain in the ass. Now is one of them.

I have no clue what is causing my asthma symptoms right now. Last night around 7pm I started to feel "tight". If you don't have asthma you may not know what that even feels like. Imagine someone has taken their very big hands and have one in the front of your chest over your lungs and the other in the back and are pushing very hard. It makes taking a good breath difficult. Albuteral is a great thing. It makes it feel better. But, and there is always a but, it makes your heart race, you body feel shaky, and if you are lucky you end up feeling anxious. However, yes you can breath again. Now imagine trying to sleep this way. It doesn't work well. After taking my happy 2 puffs of albuteral I would spend the next 2 1/2 hours feeling anxious with my heart and body shaky. Then I might fall asleep. But about 3 1/2 hours after taking the albuteral the effect (being able to breath) would start to wear off and I would wake up wheezing and not able to breath again- only to have to wait a half hour to take more medicine and start the whole thing over again. All in all about 2-3 hours of very interupted sleep later I got to start my day.

Went to work. Called the doctor. Got an appointment for tomorrow. Started to cry slightly to the doctor that "all I want is to sleep tonight- can't you do something". Got a prescription for Prednisone. The evil drug that makes you breath, but can do major damage to your bones- screws with your appetite and makes you gain major water weight. Last year I was on it for the entire month of December and ended up gaining 20-25 lbs! Ick.

Went to the pharmacy to pick up my perscription after work (and let me tell you- my kids are hilareous when you are exhasted) and got my happy meds that will at least let me sleep tonight. But wait- look at the time stamp on this. Hmmm..... forgot a side effect of prednisone. On high doses they make you wired! Damn. Maybe someday I will sleep again.

Will write more after the dr's appointment tomorrow. Maybe this can be something easy- maybe I can be sick after all. Walking pneomonia isn't that bad right? Then they can treat it and NO MORE prednisone. My fear- that I have to be on prednisone now until after christmas! NO NO NO. I won't do it. Breathing isn't that important.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dear.

Believe it or not, breathing is important. Too bad that schlubby husband of yours can't do anything for you. He's such a loser. You'll feel better soon and then you'll be happy again. Until then, give your husband a good smack... that always makes you feel better.


2:51 PM  

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