The Hippie's Daughter

The ramblings of a twenty-something "independent young woman".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

People Suck

People suck. There, I've said it. I've admitted it. Sometimes, People Just Suck. Seeing it written that way, in capital letters, kind of makes it seem better somehow. And in case anyone mistakes what I am saying... some people, sometimes, suck (and I am not meaning in any GOOD way).

Now that I have vented- have a good night.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Open Letter to my loved ones

An Open Letter to my Loved Ones,

Today, upon learning the sad news that Brad Delp's untimely passing was infact, Suicide - I wanted to remind everyone I love that no matter when, no matter what, no matter why, I am always available for you to call if you ever, for any reason, need me. (Yes, I am sorry for the run on sentence- Mom always tells me I miss use commas!). My family and friends are important to me. If you are ever, EVER thinking about suicide (and sadly, I bet most of us have at some point)- call me. If you can't call me, call someone. Or go to the ER and tell them. Tell someone. The sadness that you leave behind after you die is horrible. (Great, and now I have probably guilted several people who want to die. Great going....). Believe me, if you need me, no matter what, I am here. I don't care if I am at work- call. If I am on vacation- call. If I am in labor--- well you can try calling but I will probably hand the phone to c :)....

Leaving this somber topic... JUST REMEMBER CALL ME!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The "Kids" are alright

Well, I promised a while ago to write a bit more about work. I teach adolescents who have severe special needs. Most of my students are non-ambulatory (and the two who can walk need help to be safe). My kids are non-verbal. They are teenages. For the most part they are not toilet trained. Imagine it for a second- loveable toddlers in the angst filled bodies of teenagers- at times not very pretty (and at other times the most wonderful). I love the kids I work with- they are sweet, loveable, honest, and tons of fun. They can also be draining and tiring. My biggest hope for them is that they always are cared for by people who care about them as people as my classroom staff and I do. Oh classroom staff you ask??? I have two nurses and a paraprofessional who work in my room. We all work hard and thus need to get along well together.
Our day is very busy- my kids arrive at school, get changed or repositioned, have morning meeting, snack, g-tube feeds, walks, work periods, "group" periods (art, music, cooking, sensory, story), special events, the girls have their nails painted weekly, visits from "typical" highschoolers who come and hang out with my kids, field trips, parties, tv watching, music listening, computer playing fun! Everything we do is to either care physically, emotionally, or socially for the kids.

I love my job- and at times as can be expected I get tired of it. I hope this being here for me to read will help remind me to love it.

Cha-Cha-Cha- Changes

Changes- wow... so much has happened. And I have a feeling that since no one really reads this I might as well write about it all:

1. We are buying a house in Amesbury. Closing is April 18th and we move on April 19th. We will be living with Chris' Grandma (it's a duplex). It should all work out well!
2. Chris and I are trying to become parents (and all of the waiting to see if you are pregnant or not is driving me nuts- I am too much a perfectionist who wants what I want when I want it).
3. Did I say we are moving... packing and getting ready to move sucks.
4. Oh yeah- and Asthma and the winter = not a good match. I have been sick for three days now- I AM GOING TO WORK TOMORROW (I don't care if I am not 100% yet)- I hate fevers and the inability to breathe. Together, not a good combo.

Love ya- Off to stress some more!